Saturday, August 27, 2005

Someone REALLY likes ME!!!

Hi Kids!

It's time for another look into the crazy life of Mistress Christine.....

In work news..

This will be quick I promise... Besides being told that I was going to be promoted within the month, one of my developer friends where I work offered me a job with him this week...It's amazing what shows up on your doorstep! It made me feel so good to know that I have an out of the current situation if needed.

Other news...

My roomie is FINALLY moving in for good and not just visiting her place. She's jazzed and I'm jazzed for her. I will be looking for my own little slice of home soon as I have found that I like having my own place. More to come on that...

Therapy news...

Yes, there are only a few of you that knew about that...I've been in group therapy for a month and it has helped really open my eyes to what was going on with me. It's giving me tools to help me fix my way of thinking. I'm feeling much better but I have a ways to go and plenty of time to get there. Suffice it to say, when I went in there, I was considered mild to moderately depressed. After one month, I went to no depression whatsoever...So, and I can hear you, you had a good month..what about next month?? Next month will be fine! Trust me...

It has shown me that most people do not want to be helped and that they would rather stay in the rut that they have created for themselves as it is "comfortable." What an utter waste of time and precious energy. Again I will say this LIFE IS ENTIRELY TOO SHORT!!

So, if you find yourself not being able to be happy or being able to move forward, take a good, hard look inward. Fix what may be broken. It takes much less energy and you will feel better.

I'm done preaching now. There is sangria to prefect and to drink!

Lots of Love and Peace!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Migraines, Good Books, Wino News and Doves

Yes, I know....I haven't posted much lately...And this will be short too...sighhhh..

Migraines--I've spent all day with a medium grade work! I've been given valium from a co-worker as NOTHING else seems to be working. So, maybe something funny will come from taking it...I've never had it before. More on that at a later time....

In Wino News- The Sangria Experiments are finished! I now have three tasty recipes to try out in few weeks.
My futures from David Coffaro Winery are ready for pick up! They're going to hold onto them as I will be moving in the near future and it would be insane to move it twice.

Good Books- Dime Store Magic by Kelley Armstrong. This is a very fast and entertaining read. Yes, folks, I actually finished a book in two weeks and not four months! I'm usually a snail when it comes to finishing books.

Doves- One of my dove babies came to visit me today. I looked out the back door and there it was sitting on the patio. I'm so happy that they feel safe enough to come back and visit.
I really needed that today!

Lots of Love!


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Hmm...I'm speechless about this

And a bit taken aback about the licking.

Hmm...2 posts in one night..I couldn't resist this one. I HAD to share.


What do you want to be?

So our illustrous and crazy director came into my cube last week and asked me what my plans were for my career. I told him that I frankly hadn't given it much thought has I'd been busy trying to keep the environment from imploding. He's seeing me as good management material. I just want to manage to keep it together, along with my charges.
I really hadn't thought about the future. I've adopted the philosophy that take care of now and the future will take care of itself.
I'm more interested in getting back into something enjoyable and fun! However, that may have to take a backseat for a little bit longer.
So, now I have to figure out within the next few months what my career path is going to be.

What do I really want to do? Have an island with a bar and grill on it. Help run a winery. Be a masseuse.

Help people relax and just be. That what I really desire.

So Kids...what is that you really want to be? Dig real deep. Whatever you do, don't deprive yourself. Live Life!

Lots of Love and Peace.